Selling It All

June 16, 2023

It is a weird thing selling all your possession; all the things you thought you once needed but now hardly use.

We decided to sell it all: house, vehicles, furniture, and most of our possessions. Not because we have to, but because we don’t want to be stressed about renting or storing our material objects while we are abroad. It is quite liberating to unload all these things and also profitable in the process for things that are just collecting dust.

The oddest feeling is the current lead-up: not buying things, as I will just have to sell them or give them away in the near future. What was once a weekly habit of “click, order and delivered,” has transitioned to, contemplating every purchase, “Do I need this? can I borrow one?” This includes any new articles of clothing, as all we will be travelling with is a backpack each and a few carry-ons. This is a feeling I wish I examined earlier, as it would have saved me a lot of money considering some of my foolish purchases…

More about Mark

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