A Magical Place Called Edinburgh

All expectations of what I thought Scotland would present us were blowin’ out of the water. Edinburgh is simply magical! Our VRBO was 15 minutes from downtown with a bus stop at our front step. It has been our best location to date without actually being downtown (not sure if I would enjoy staying in the city centre just for the noise and all). Once entering Old Town, the heart of Edinburgh you are whisked away into another world: charming...

Belfast: Giant’s Causeway

We got to Belfast on a Train. Isn’t that crazy! We had a 20-minute walk from the train station to our apartment. Our apartment was so secure. (“I definitely was not scared.”) ;).  Our apartment had 3 locks so nobody could come in. Me and my sister had to share a bed. I had some good sleep, but my sister didn’t. I have always been told that when I sleep I always twist and turn. So my sister could not...

If The Streets Could Talk: Belfast

Belfast, Northern Ireland. If a city could talk, this one could tell a story. You can feel the animosity and see the wounds of the city: the 45′ peace wall, freedom corner, murals of fallen “soldiers” and the list goes on. You can tell it has tried to move on but Irish people hold tightly to their past. It is very different than Dublin, as the city has adopted more Western building styles. Not sure if it is better, but...

Belfast, Northern Ireland: Titanic Museum

We took the train the Northern Ireland. It was a 2 hour train ride but was pretty quick. We were in Northern Ireland for 4 days. Once we got to our AIR BNB we chilled. The apartment was nice. I think it is going to be one of the best apartments yet. After a bit, we went for supper. It was just like any old restaurant, I got just simple chicken fingers and fries. We took the glider home and...

Dublin, Ireland: The Crypt

Dublin, Ireland was pretty good. We stayed there for 5 days. We got there on the 26th and left on the 30th. The first it was more of a chill day. we got in around 11:30 am, the flight was pretty long but went by fast. I slept the majority of the plane since it was a “Red eye”.  We got food on the plane and we also had a little TV screen to watch stuff. Once we arrived in...