Budapest was excellent, I loved our Airbnb because of the A-C. I didn’t realize that you can’t live without A-C. It makes a HUGE difference. My favourite day in Budapest was when we hiked up to this beautiful castle. When I was in the moment hiking up it I was miserable. It was so hot out and walking up you would be sweating so hard that you could fill up a whole 1,000,000,000,000 water bottles full of sweat. But we had a full bottle of water when we walked down, and it was way easier because you were walking down. Duh.
I know I didn’t write a lot but you have seen everything by now, right now on my list Budapest is third.
Grandpa from the Lake
August 11, 2024Hi Kinnon: Budapest was one of my favourite cities when we were there…I loved the history and the architecture. This is where a server in one of the restaurants said I wasn’t much of a Catholic because I didn’t know the difference from a basilica versus a cathedral 😜 funny…I still laugh at that…😀.