

3 months

89 days…things are sneaking up quickly to us but several big items have been taken care of: house = sold, transportation & accommodations booked until January 2025, and are ducks in a row for travel insurance and the kid’s education plan. More or less our “to-do” list includes: sell the large majority of our possessions and pack away our “to keep” items, then figure out what to do at our locations once we get there. Easy…...

Our house is LIVE!

What I posted on Insta: (it has been crazy to say the least) Our home ♥️ This has been 12 years in the making. From waiting for this specific location (one of the few facing park lots in the south) to designing, building and completing a large portion of the work, we are in love with our home. Anyone that knows, knows Old Lakeview is a special area in the heart of the City. Like a small town in the...

4 Months…

4 months…yikes, seems like yesterday we still had a year plus to go and numerous days to get prepared. Nope. The house goes on the market next week, the storage locker is filling up and we have finalized most all plans, planes, trains and automobiles for the entire summer. “We’re really doing it Harry!”...

5 Months

150 days! Actually, 136 days left until takeoff (I’m late on last month’s post). Hard to believe we getting into the double digits of the countdown. I feel better than last month….again, content with our decision. We have several loose ends to tie up, but one day at a time. Priority, preparing our house to be listed next month and renting a storage locker to get it tidy (we are not hoarders but could use a good decultter). The second...

What are we doing?!?!

Brittany has had this thought numerous times in the last 6 months and has voiced it: Like, what are we doing?!?! Upending our entire life to travel the world, selling our house, vehicles and possessions, home-schooling our kids, kids missing a years’ worth of activities they love (dance, hockey, flag-football), spending a small fortune to make it happen, the loss of that years’ income = $$$$, the logistics in making this happen is painstaking (Planes, Trains, & Automobiles: “Please. Have...