Mount Maunganui was my number-one place in New Zealand. The Bay of Plenty was amazing! Our family came, and it couldn’t be any better. The first thing we did there was pick up my grandparents from the airport. We surprised them, and they were so happy! We stayed in a very nice apartment with a view of the ocean. Kinnon and I slept on the pulled-out couch, but for a view like that, it was worth it. The first few days were rainy, so we had a good time playing cards inside. Once the weather cleared up, we went to the beach and had a blast. I spent that first week cooking up my tan. Shortly after, my other grandparents came. We surprised them at the airport again, and they were thrilled. We spent the first day all together at the beach until my cousins came. It was a packed house, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. We spent a long time catching up and playing lots of rounds of Canasta. The house and our apartment were packed full of 13 people. We had a long first day of tanning until my cousins cooked off their tanned and were peeling the rest of the trip. We went on a lot of hikes and tried delicious food. My favourite thing to get on the beach was Acai bowls. they were delicious. A few days later, it was Christmas; we did what lots of people here do: go to the beach. We tanned and boogie-boarded the whole day, which was so fun! I had another acai bowl on the beach, which was super refreshing. Later that night, we watched a movie and played more games. One of the most fun days we had was going to the skyline park. We all had a blast. We went ziplining, which was super fun! After we did the luge. It was the best thing there. It felt like we were in our own Super Mario Bros video game. I think everyone loved that and it was so fun racing everybody. To end that day, we bought some very good jelly beans! A few days later, we went to a Maori feast. It was a cool experience, and glad we went. Shortly after, it was time to say goodbye to my first grandparents. They left, and I was super sad, but pretty soon, we will be seeing them again shortly after. After that, my cousins left it was a really fun time with them. We had another week with my other grandparents! We spent lots of time beaching and shopping. We went shopping quite a bit, and I bought a few things. Speaking of it, my cousin and I, before they left, we got piercings. I got my 3rd and, she got her conch. Once they left, my grandparents and I had a lot of fun, and we played a lot of board games. A week later, they had to leave, and so did we. We were sad but we will see them soon. Now that our family is gone we now have another chapter to look forward to, and lots of more friends coming to visit us!