Brussels, Belgium

August 19, 2024

Brussels was pretty good. We didn’t do much because we never slept. But we could’ve seen more stuff but didn’t. We didn’t sleep because we lived under a bar. It was always bumping and loud. We went to see some tourist stuff but not a lot. The tourist stuff we went to go see was mannequin piss. It was nothing special just a little boy peeing into a water fountain. We also went to see a dog peeing on a hydrine. It was interesting. The city loves peeing statues. The cool thing I found was the flower carpet. It was so cool, especially at night. It was really cool and we were there for it and it only happens for a week every two days. Their waffles were incredible they were so good. I loved them so much. They were the best waffles I’ve ever had. It was caramelized and delicious. I loved them so much and for sure want to recreate them. Their fries were ok but I prefer the thinner fries. Overall It was good but I don’t think we saw all its full potential. I don’t think I’ll go again but it was pretty good and had a lot of tourist attractions.

More about Kadyn

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