Wow! The Kress’ did it baby: 60 days, 13 countries, 13k km and we are all still alive…psychologically speaking. Like, what were we thinking? Who, who’s never backpacked before or even been to Europe sets out on one of the stupidest itineraries ever concocted? I would not recommend following in our footsteps and I would never do that again (I would but altered). Seriously, it was a grind at times, and all those travel influencers can go to hell. They only smile for the content and cry the other 95% of the time.
That all being said, we did it! It was so incredible and we gained memories we’ll cherish our entire lives, but isn’t travelling like that? When you’re in it, you don’t have the perspective to fully appreciate until it’s done. Don’t get me wrong, I pinched myself numerous times on our adventure, but even now looking back at some of these pictures, I am even more grateful, even tho I remember that day as a hard day: we were sick, didn’t sleep, homesick, couldn’t find a place to eat, weather was terrible, etc. I would do it all over again, slightly altered tho: travel hard for a few countries (4 nights x 2), relax longer in a hot one (8 nights x 1), rinse and repeat. We had several 3-nighters back to back and our longest was 5 nights.
Looking forward to calling NZ home for a longer period, and do as the Kiwis do!