365 & counting

June 27, 2023

And the countdown is on! Today we would be waking up in Dublin, Ireland! It is hard to imagine, but we are finally closing in on our epic family adventure and it can’t come soon enough.

I’ve had a few people ask me, “What do you want to get out of this trip?” Well, I really don’t have a specific goal in mind or the cliche, “to find myself,” as that is something I was forced to find in my thirties… However, I know this adventure (trip is too diminishing) has the potential to alter my kids’ future lives: how unique the world is, possible university/ home locations, or finding experiences which excite them and could translate into a future occupation. Having your kids live far away is not ideal and would be very hard, but every family unit is always three generations away from building the environment which our grandparents designed: grandparents, parents, and children united in one region, and I don’t want to confine my kids to one location because we are here (I love SK and can’t imagine a better place on the planet; I might add, I don’t stay here for the scenery…)

So the long answer to the question is, I don’t know. My plan is to expose them to numerous experiences and what plays out, only the future holds. From the 2024 Olympics in Paris to the concentration camps of Germany, and working at a sheep farm in NZ to teaching English in Cambodia, I hope they see the world as endless opportunities and how money, while important, does not buy happiness, as happiness can be found on all four corners of the earth, despite the situation people are given.

More about Mark

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